
Trust in the LORD

This is often a simple command that happens to be a harder one to put into practice for me. I've also observed it in others...when finances fall short, when (I/we) don't have a job, you fill in the blanks. Why cannot I just trust HIM? Hasn't he been faithful before this! Yes and he remains to be faithful. I got a call today from the Nurse Recruitment office at Duke that I no longer have an interview. Oh okay. What then do I fear. Nope. I took a good look at my heart today and found some joy without the interview - where will it take me (should I say "God take me" excuse me). Perhaps to just the right job he has in mind. It wasn't until something else happened that I started to let fear creep in. Lord thank you for being a faithful and loving God who cares about my comings and goings.
This is the passage of scripture I read today. Galatians chapt. 5 especially verse 26 "Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires."
Wow I need to dwell in that mind-set. The earlier verses say For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit...
Everything contrary to Spirit which includes fear, faithlessness, and a lifestyle not trusting her Savior.
I want my desires to become one of a holy lifestyle and living to glorify my Father. I hope I too can repeat Paul's words I have crucified the sinful nature...and I'm not living for myself.

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So that every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of the Father. Philippians 2:10-11