
Dayton Urban Nights

Abi, Mama, Jerica and Hannah at Urban Nights.
This is a fun shot of the Refuge girlies I hang out with. They are so supportive and loving to our family.   Urban Nights is a downtown event promoting downtown life + events. The local food vendors serve yummy food and there is live music. My mother was able to come too! Abigail is getting so big. She turned 7 months yesterday. She loves using things to pull herself up on. She crawls really well now and intentionally will crawl if you enter the room. The joy of being her mom is such a gift from God.
My aspirations were to finish several books this year I think I only did three-or four. I finished Paul Miller's book, A Praying Life. Learned there is no reason not to offer up a prayer to our Maker and Author of our life. He already knows what's going to happen but we also want to do his will as Jesus also did his Father's will. I especially like the idea of praying scriptures for people, my husband and others. There is so much to be thankful for everyday. Jerica is a nursing student at Cedarville University and Hannah is in my Girl Talk group for discipleship and accountability, newly married she is very teachable and excited to serve Christ.
Tuesday we will be getting new family photos taken and hopefully will be posted soon.

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So that every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of the Father. Philippians 2:10-11