Bible study kids!! The best part of camp is teaching Bible study and learning your kids names…after the end of the week it was amazing how many children’s attitudes were molding into that of Christ’s or seeing these kids come to have a personal relationship with Christ each week. Or when one of my kids would come up to me and say “Miss Amy I know the Bible Study verse…John 20:31”
Rec “recreation was with our Bible study groups my Bible study name was the Cartoons…3rd-4th graders
(Theme of camp was Lights, Camera, Action!)
Day one: (You are) In His Story. John 20:31
Day two: Know your script
Day three: Shine on Him (John the Baptist)
Day four: I have a role (The story of Abraham and his obedience to God to go to the land of Canaan.)
Day five: Change the World (Acts 2:42-47)
On Wednesday there was a very cool representation of a cross taped on the floor and each person would write down a sin on a sticky note then stick it to the cross and then I would read Romans 3:23 and Romans 10:9-10 telling my campers how Jesus was the only on how lived a sinless life and how he could take away yours and my sins and remember them no more. I gathered up the sticky notes and crumbled them for a visual
and Presented the gospel in kid-language every Wednesday!!!
then explained the ABC’s…Admit Believe and Confess
Once when explaining everyone has an ABC story after sharing mine one girl, Rebecca started crying and said she didn’t have an ABC story I prayed with her that God might probe her heart to start a personal relationship with Jesus Christ…!!
Canon accepted Christ he is pictured here with blonde hair to my right. Rebecca is pictured too...(upper left of photo grey sweatshirt) this photo was taken on Friday our last day of Bible study together...